WATTagNet: World Egg Day is culmination of Brazil's Egg Week

Brazil's week of activities promoting egg awareness completes with World Egg Day
Release Date: donderdag 10 oktober 2013

Friday, October 11 may be World Egg Day but, in Brazil, it also the last day of Egg Week. Since October 7 the country has witnessed a series of events that have brought consumers together with the various players in the egg production chain.

Various activities have been taking place in Brazil, including omelet tastings in supermarkets, talks with various sectors of the public ranging from children to health professionals, the distribution of information packs to gyms, and partnerships with bars and restaurants to increase awareness of the benefits of eating eggs.

Organized by the Brazilian Egg Institute and Novus do Brasil, the initiative has benefitted from the support of various companies, including Sanovo, Merial, Novus, Porto Alimentos, DSM, Agroceres Multimix, Uniquimica and Grupo Pao de Acucar.

One of the aims of Egg Week is to increase egg consumption in the country, which is one of the lowest in the world at 164 per capita to 208 over the coming years.

Various actions are being undertaken to help promote the understanding of the nutritional benefits of eggs and to help raise consumption. Novus do Brasil, for example is distributing information kits for its employees' children, including eggs in a special menu at the company's canteens and conducting information campaigns with its partners.

Guillerme Fray, marketing coordinator with Novus do Brasil, is enthusiastic about raising per capita consumption to 208 per annum, given that this is only four extra units per week, and adds that Egg Week offers a great opportunity to address some of the health myths surrounding eggs.

Egg photographs, egg slogans

Novus do Brasil has also been running a photographic competition. Photographs of eggs can be uploaded to a Facebook page and winning entrant will be rewarded with a gift voucher.

The Brazilian Egg Institute has also been offering a prize, in this case an eggs themed cook book by chef Michel Roux, which will be awarded to the entrant with the best slogan encouraging egg consumption.

Amongst other initiatives has been special egg breakfasts organized by Merial, along with the distribution of eggs and books in schools.



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